Easy Ephemeral Virtual Machines with libvirt

The Situation

At a previous job I was finally fed up with docker containers: generally speaking I was always working to setup whole systems or test whole system stuff, and docker containers - even when suitable - don't look anything like a whole system.

While Vagrant does exist, there was always something slightly "off" about the feeling of using it - it did what you want, but had a lot of opinions on it.

So the question I asked myself was, what was I actually wanting to do?

What we want to do

Since this was a job specific issue, the thing I wanted to do was boot cloud-specific environments quickly in a way which would let me deploy the codebase as it ran in the cloud. The company had since simply moved to launching cloud VM instances for this on AWS, but ultimately this left holes in the experience - i.e. try getting access to the disk of a cloud VM - on my local machine I can just mount it directly, or dive in with wxHexEditor if I really want to - on the cloud I get to spend some time trying to security manage an instance into the right environment, attaching EBS volumes and...just a lot of not the current problem.

So: the problem I wanted to solve is, given a cloud-init compatible disk image, give myself a command line parameter which would provision and boot the machine with sensible defaults, and give me an SSH login for it that would just work.

The Solution

What I ended up pulling together to do this is called kvmboot and for me at least works pretty nicely. It has also accidentally become my repository for build recipes to get various flavors of Windows VMs kicked out in a non-annoying state as quickly as possible - the result of the job I took after the original inspiration.

The environment currently works on Ubuntu (what I'm running at home) and should work on Fedora (what I was running when I developed it - hence the SELinux workarounds in the repository).

What it is is pretty simple - launch-cloud-image is a large bash script which spits out an opinionated take on a reasonable libvirt. libvirt ships with a number of tools to accomplish things like this, but no real set of instructions to produce something as useful as I've found this customization - of course that might just be me.


The basic usage I have for it today is setting up Amazon AMI provisioning scripts. Amazong provide a downloadable version of Amazon Linux 2 for KVM, and launch-cloud-image makes using it very easy: -

kvmboot $ time ./launch-cloud-image --ram 2G --video amzn2-kvm-2.0.20210813.1-x86_64.xfs.gpt.qcow2 blogtest

xorriso 1.5.2 : RockRidge filesystem manipulator, libburnia project.

Drive current: -outdev '/tmp/lci.blogtest.userdata.3dQylgsKb.iso'
Media current: stdio file, overwriteable
Media status : is blank
Media summary: 0 sessions, 0 data blocks, 0 data, 51.0g free
xorriso : NOTE : -blank as_needed: no need for action detected
xorriso : WARNING : -volid text does not comply to ISO 9660 / ECMA 119 rules
xorriso : UPDATE :      12 files added in 1 seconds
Added to ISO image: directory '/'='/tmp/lci.blogtest.userdata.kq9RDblTKJ'
ISO image produced: 41 sectors
Written to medium : 192 sectors at LBA 32
Writing to '/tmp/lci.blogtest.userdata.3dQylgsKb.iso' completed successfully.

xorriso : NOTE : Re-assessing -outdev '/tmp/lci.blogtest.userdata.3dQylgsKb.iso'
xorriso : NOTE : Loading ISO image tree from LBA 0
xorriso : UPDATE :      12 nodes read in 1 seconds
Drive current: -dev '/tmp/lci.blogtest.userdata.3dQylgsKb.iso'
Media current: stdio file, overwriteable
Media status : is written , is appendable
Media summary: 1 session, 41 data blocks, 82.0k data, 51.0g free
Volume id    : 'config-2'
User Login: will
Root disk path: /home/will/.local/share/libvirt/images/lci.blogtest.root.qcow2
ISO file path: /home/will/.local/share/libvirt/images/lci.blogtest.userdata.3dQylgsKb.iso
Virtual machine created as: blogtest
blogtest.default.libvirt : will : aedeebootahnouD7Meig

real	0m16.764s
user	0m0.326s
sys	0m0.077s

16 seconds isn't bad from nothing to what I'd get an in EC2 VM - and since I have SSH access I can jump right into using Ansible or something else to provision that machine. Or just alias it so I can kick one up quickly to try silly things.

kvmboot $ ssh will@blogtest.default.libvirt

       __|  __|_  )
       _|  (     /   Amazon Linux 2 AMI

19 package(s) needed for security, out of 59 available
Run "sudo yum update" to apply all updates.
[will@blogtest ~]$ # and then you try stuff here

What's nice is that this is absolutely standard libvirt. It appears in virt-manager, you can play around with it using all the standard virt-manager commands and management. It'll work with remote libvirtd's if you have them, but it's a super-convenient way to use a barebones VM environment - about as easy as doing docker run -it ubuntu bash or something similar, but with way more isolation.

But it also works for Windows!

This was the real joy of this solution: when I stumbled into a bunch of Windows provisioning, I'd never had a good solution. But it turns out launch-cloud-image (I should probably rename it kvmboot like the repo) actually works really well for this use case. By the addition of an installation mode, and some support scripting to build the automatic installation disk images, it can in fact support the whole lifecycle to go from "Windows ISO" to "cloud-initable Windows image" to "Windows workstation with all the cruft removed".

As a result the repository itself has grown a lot of my research into how to easily get usable Windows environments, but it does work and it works great - with Windows 10 we can automate the SSH installation and have it drop you straight into Powershell, ready for provisioning.


I use this script all the time. It's the fastest way I know to get VM environments up which look like the type of cloud instance machines you would be using in the public cloud, and the dnsmasq integration and naming makes them super easy to work with while being standard, boring libvirt - no magic.